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Human without name
Which of the 4 answers fits you most?
My contributions in meetings, consultations and/or information to others...
Question 1 / 11
Human without name
The General
Fire Fighter

The accountant plans meticulously and likes to do it in writing. Whether with lists, apps, Outlook, everything is right to not miss anything. He/she is also very happy to plan in detail to the end. Great strength of this guy is, that he/she recognizes structures even in complex situations in order to plan, minimize risk and protect oneself. All time management tools are therefore suitable for accountants, just not the colorful ones.

A general does not think in tactics. With an eye on the big picture generals develope strategies to reach their or team goals. Generals are performance orientated and put high quality in their work. Most of the time they also have got a 'Plan B'. A General values the co-operation with others. That is the reason, why he/she also supports others, if neccesary. Spontanious actions are possible, but in general at least a rough plan will be prefered. Usefull are 90-days-plan & Eisenhower-methode and trafic-lights-list.

'Action' is the nickname of every fire fighter. He/she bubbles over with ideas, is incredibly creative and above that all very quick. That means he/she is very flexible and brave. You can't lock such a person into rigit structures like boring lists. What counts more than a plan, is what you do. If neccesary, an overview of all goals is enough and maybe somewhere a sticky note. The time management tool "power-bar" might be usefull for fire fighters.

The diplomat is a person with great sensors for emotions. He/she takes care of all within a team, asks others for their opinions, to integrate everyone. Planes and time management is allways orientated to plans of others and will be kept at a maximum of flexibility. A joint calendar is usefull and because of his/her great creativity, different colors are of great use. It may happen that he/she looses overview or procrastinates. That happens mostly, when a task is primarily fact based and has nothing to do with other humans and he or she has to deal with that alone. For a team such a person is a boost for the success and harmony of the whole team.